The 7 Golden Rules as Investor
John D. Rockefeller, one of the wealthiest men of all time once said:
“It is better to think about your money once a month than to work a whole month for it.”
But what does that mean? It is pretty simple: Investing is very important and to think it through even more. If you listen to successful investors, you can summarize their principles into 7 golden rules. These are precisely the rules we are addressing today.
Golden Rule №1: Understand your investment
Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors ever, coined the phrase “never invest in a business you cannot understand.” And this can be done in two ways: You do it on your own, or you have someone or a provider you trust, who is helping you.
For cash flow on crypto, this could be JAVLIS.
Golden Rule №2: Become aware of your risk tolerance
You have to find out your risk tolerance. If going to the casino is only a pleasure once in a while, and you don’t want blind betting for your life, you should rather focus on a healthy investment portfolio with parts of higher risk but higher rewards and parts of more conventional investments as a safety layer.
Golden Rule №3: Never put all your eggs in one basket
To risk all you have on the success or failure of one investment is the same as going to the casino. Good investors know that only a diversified portfolio is a healthy portfolio.
Ray Dalio, another very successful investor and famous hedge fund manager, promotes his all weather portfolio. A portfolio that is prepared for all types of weather, of course not rain and sun, but related to the investment markets.
With JAVLIS you can add a part to your portfolio which is focusing on passive income with cryptocurrencies.
Golden Rule №4: Invest for the long term
Getting rich quickly sounds tempting, but doesn’t work in real life. Investors should focus on the long run. Albert Einstein once said that compounding interest is for him the eighth wonder of the world.
Let’s look at one example. If you invest 100,000 $ today in an asset which provides 10% annual yield and you are reinvesting the profits, you don’t touch the investment for 20 years, then you will have more than 730,000 $ after 20 years. Without reinvesting or the compound interest you only will have 300,000 $.
And by the way: with JAVLIS you can benefit from the same mechanism.
Golden Rule №5: Don’t follow the crowd
You probably heard of the phrase “the trend is your friend”. Many investors follow trends. The only problem is that you can only win if you trade countercyclically.
And here I refer to Warren Buffet again. He once said “Be fearful when others are greedy. And be greedy when others are fearful.” And that is because he knows quite well that psychological effects play an important role in financial markets.
Golden Rule №6: Pay attention to costs
Whether online or offline: most of the time you will not avoid fees when investing. Therefore, always pay attention to the fees before investing. It is worth looking for the provider with the best price-performance ratio.
JAVLIS is taking only a performance fee, which only accrues as soon as you generate rewards or cash flow. So, you don’t have to pay for fees upfront.
Golden Rule №7: Cash is king and cash flow is queen
We already published a video why cash is king and cash flow is queen. Cash flow is the proverbial fuel for our economic engine. So, it can pay for your rent and food, help to pay for debts or save for your financial goals. And this mechanism is the base and the first step to becoming financially free. Successful investors know that and focus on cash flow.
And this is where JAVLIS comes into play. JAVLIS is your personal cash flow butler which assists you in earning a passive income with a double digit annual yield on your funds. And by double digit I mean around 20% annual yield at the moment. JAVLIS is using the latest blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to generate passive income for you. And that could be a part of your financial freedom.